Saturday, March 26, 2011


I had to change the date for our April gathering due to Maundy Thursday. We will meet on April 28, 2011, 7 PM, West Campus.

Bring your fly tying gear. We will be tying two Saltwater patterns for Salmon and/or Sea Run Cutthroat. I will provide all the materials except thread, so please bring some red, white, olive or black thread. For those who do not have tying equipment, I will bring two extra vises and provide the tools too.

A few of us will also be bringing some rods rigged to do some casting. So we will do that for about 20 minutes and move on to the fly tying so as to be able to get through the two flies.

We will be tying the Chum Baby and Snot Dart if you'd like to search for them and see what they look like beforehand.

See you April 28, 2011, 7 PM, West Campus.

Until we fish again.
Spread the Word,

Brad Nickel
May your fly always be wet and the fish be in the net! 8^)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A New Year, a New Beginning


We are spooling up our reels and preparing for the first cast of 2011. Officially we will start meeting on March 24 at 7 PM, West Campus building again, but from April on we will be meeting once a month on the third Thursday of the month, so that means April 21 at 7 PM is next and so on. Our room is the one in the back, SE corner, down the hall.

We will only meet once a month this year, if there is a lot of want or need to meet twice a month, then we will look at doing so. There is a idea to do a trip to Rocky Ford in Ephrata in the next few months. We also will be doing a lot more small mountain stream trips into the Cascades this summer and I am sure we will convoy up to Leech Lake once. We have not set any dates for any of the trips yet, that is a work in progress.

The night at West Campus will just be fellowship, nothing more. If someone brings their fly tying gear to tie up something or rod and reel for casting lessons or has something they want help with, then we'll do what we can to help them learn what they would like. Other than that, we have no plans for education; it's just gonna be a laid back, masculine fellowship (which we all know means Christian for shooting the bull), man time night. Keep it simple.

As for the website, I lost the ability to edit it early last year. Everything on the website still works, links, etc, it's just not up to date informationwise. I have a plan to get that back in order now though, just need to do it. We will be using the Blog a lot more this year for updates and schedules, as it is a much easier way to do so and a few of us have access to edit it all the time rather than just myself being able to update the website, plus the Blog is free. The link to the Blog is the top link on the left side menu of our website - or

The address to West Campus is: 11107 44th Ave E, Tacoma, WA 98446

Hope to see you all there.

Until we fish again.
Spread the Word,

Brad Nickel
May your fly always be wet and the fish be in the net! 8^)